Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring WIP Challenge!

the stash down group is doing a WIP challenge from 01 April to 31 May.. & i love starting new things, so i really have to join this one. although i'm up for any challenge lately. considering there is a holiday in there plus some nice weather i know i also have to be realistic about how many i could really finish..... so, i decided on my Flyaway Cardi, Black Olga Shawl & Celestial Cowl. all of these i had marked at around 60% finished. this would give me 2 weeks each to work on them & extra 2 weeks for non-knitting, nice weather days.

i already worked on my flyaway cardi & my celestial cowl before the pics, in fact, i actually finished my cowl. it went so much faster than i thought it would. i think its because, except the rare occasion, i have only let myself work on these projects. if it wasn't for the challenge, i would never have this kind of will-power. new projects are calling to mee......

at least 2 can be considered spring/summer projects. the cowl will just be a jump ahead for this winter, which is good because i always wait until i'm freezing before i start. the cowl is my 1st & i'm not too sure about it, maybe it was just this pattern/yarn combo since it doesn't seem to have the greatest stitch definition. i think they would be good for kids though! i'm so excited to have 1/3 done! not to mention, this will also get me ahead on my 12 in 2014 stash project as well. i tell myself start nothing new until these 3 are done.
Olga Shawl in black. don't look close, it has been in a plastic bag yet is still covered in lint & fuzz.. :( maybe black isn't so good....

celestial cowl all done already!! 
my flyaway cardi is in lace-weight. i have already worked on some of this by attaching the sleeves. only yoke to go. went much faster than i thought for this part. good news!!


  1. Just lovely!!! You've been working like crazy!

    1. thanks dnali!! i'm stalling a bit now though! how are yours coming along?
